martedì 31 maggio 2011

kenalkah kau akan tubuhmu?
ladang hijau dari hutan yang kau babat
amukan gunung yang guncang jagat
seberkas sinar matahari yang menyengat pori-pori
tanah gersang retak yang dibajak kekeringan
pencakar langit yang menyesak ibu kota

di manakah kau temukan lagi
tubuhmu yang indah tanpa rusak dan cacat
sajak kecil

puing-puing bertebaran
bangunan tinggi kau rubuhkan
di mana senyawa yang dulu kau racik
dan mampu kau tegakkan
meskipun itu hanya angan-angan

romansa harapan kau larutkan
dan kini kau terdiam dalam keheningan
di mana mulut besar yang kau kelakarkan?
apabila ternyata semua hanya tipu daya harkat martabatmu

giovedì 26 maggio 2011

bisa tanyakan pada matahari...
mengapa dia terlalu senang menyengat kulit?
apa karena manusia di dunia ini sudah terlalu banyak dosa
sehingga memberi kita gambaran akan neraka?

domenica 22 maggio 2011


I watched Marley and Me and found a good quote from John Grogan.

I just know that sometimes I suprised myself
I think I never go to college, but then I got it and became a best graduate.

i don't know, sometimes God granted the prayer of a man in different ways. we never know what life would bring in next seconds. we just can expect. but in every expectation we found that any possibility could happen.

This recently happen to me. I expect, react, and the reality got me realized. I never know that I could arrive at this point. I could see what I thought I won't see.

You know, sometimes the dream I dreamed didn't come true. I always wish that maybe one day God will grant one of my dream. And it suprised me, when finally I got it.

I think I never go to college and make a change, but then God proved me wrong. I will go to college, being a student, and make a change.

for every expectation there always a reality from a big plans. we never know. we just know, that we couldn't arrive at that point. but sometimes, we can! Keep on pray!

mercoledì 18 maggio 2011

tell the world that we're grateful
tell the world that everything could happen
have a little faith in our pocket
face the day with smile and pray
be a lovely person for someone's heart
just wait and see
and be patient...

In very Happy Mood

Hello000! A great noon time to share anything on blogspot.
I'm in A VERY HAPPY MOOD, now! It same like my boyf"s post blog title on his tumblr (seek it) and that was about me.

I've through a hard week with some SNMPTN try out, studying on INTEN, a frustrated condition, headache, and many more.
So I really feels so good to announce that:


Yep! I was graduated from senior high school officially on May 16,2011 at 00.00. I was staring on the website, waiting the log in button able to open. And BOOM!

No. Induk Siswa : 15275
Nama Lengkap : Aninta Ekanila
Status Kelulusan : LULUS

I was jump and yell (yelling at midnight is totally not suggested) "Mama!!! Inta Lulus!!!" And my mother just said "Alhamdulillah." She called my father after that and looked so happy to know this. It was a pressure by the way.

Thanks God, You're really the one whom we can share anything. Thanks for the miracle. Alhamdulillah, SRAVIGASS (54 2011) 100% GRADUATED!!! :D

But, the good news isn't over.

I really really THANKED GOD for this one.
You know on May 17, 2011--the next day--I would know my next fate. SNMPTN UNDANGAN able to announce the result. Am I will stop or should try harder? And the answer is:

Social and Political Faculty--Communication Departments.

You don't know how I'm feeling so happy. I couldn't ask for more. Just THANKS GOD! Thanks for the miracle, thanks for answer my pray, thanks for make one of my dream came true, thanks for showing the best for me.

I just can't stop crying and thanked.

Thanks for Allah SWT my Almighty God, my family, my boyfriend, all of my friends, and also...the teacher. I couldn't be like this without them.

NB: GERY ditunggu ya nyusul! Kita belajar bareng-bareng lagi ya, kan aku udah jadi pengangguran hehe. TARI, AMI, MEGA, EVY, SARRAH, AJU, NADIA, REAL BOSS tetep semangat masih ada tertulis.
Congratulation for: Devi Oktari (PSIKOLOGI UI), temen inten saya Nadhira AS (Akuntansi UI), dan teman-teman SMAN 54 yang juga berhasil di SNMPTN UNDANGAN. Semoga sukses!!! :D

venerdì 13 maggio 2011

Next Week

halloo!! long time no post!

Udah pertengahan bulan Mei! Aneh juga kenapa gue ngasih judul 'next week' jelas-jelas hal yang gue tunggu-tunggu itu 2 hari lagi.
Iya 2 hari lagi. *masih woles*

Bener kok 2 hari lagi. *tetep woles*


emang ada paansih?

Seluruh murid SMA di seluruh Indonesia akan ditentukan hidupnya. PENGUMUMAN KELULUSAN!

Rasanya udah ketar-ketir gakaruan nunggu tanggal 16. Menurut berita yang beredar sekitar 11.432 siswa tidak lulus UN. Kalau tidak lulus UN otomatis tidak lulus SMA. Tapi lulus UN belum tentu lulus SMA. Namun, mana ada sekolah yang gamau ngelulusin siswanya -___-".
Sekitar 7 orang siswa dari Jakarta dinyatakan tidak lulus UN. Biarpun jumlahnya sedikit. Tetap saja membuat gue ga tenang, ga bisa tidur, nafsu makan bertambah, di INTEN duduk kayak orang ambeien, keseringan berkicau di tweet ngebantu RT twit AMIN LULUS UN.

Permasalahan utama kenapa gue takut ga lulus yaitu, gue kagak pake *keys*. Pas sebelum ujian gue berkoar-koar dan begitu yakin untuk tdk menggunakan benda keramat tersebut. Dan biarpun sekarang gue ga nyesel itu membuat pede gue sedikit berkurang. Biarpun temen gue yang pake itu benda mati-matian bilang "nin nilainya cuma 65 nin kalo pakai itu" tetap aja gue takut nilai UN gue ga sampai batas nilai minimum. Gue takut sama Geografi gue sumpaaaaahh!!

Yasudahlah semua hanya bisa gue pasrahkan kepada Yang Maha Kuasa dan Yang Maha Adil, Allah SWT.

Pada akhirnya semoga tanggal 16 Mei 2011 SRV'11 LULUS 100% dan tanggal 18 Mei 2011 bisa keterima di Universitas Indonesia lewat jalur undangan. Amin ya Allah amiiinn...